PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingPrevent Memory Leaks in Angular ObservablesMemory Leaks are caused by not unsubscribing observable in Angular ComponentsDec 27, 2021Dec 27, 2021
PinnedPerformance Improvement by Lazy LoadingI have seen many enterprise Angular applications where the size of main.js was more than 20 MB and response time was so long that we would…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingPractical Problems and Solutions in AngularThere is no relation in above quote and content, except this is my inspiration.Feb 17, 2022Feb 17, 2022
PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingDifference Between Subject and BehaviorSubjectMany fail to explain the Difference between Subject and BehaviorSubject when asked in interviews.Mar 2, 2022Mar 2, 2022
PinnedStrategy Design Pattern in AngularImplementing Strategy Pattern in Angular is easy when we have good basicsFeb 1, 20224Feb 1, 20224
Published inLevel Up CodingAngular Signals in Practice — Part 1Angular Signal is a buzz word now a days. Everywhere everyone is talking about signals and performance improvement. I was also looking for…Feb 26Feb 26
Life is a Ride, All Topsy-Turvy!The past few months have been a tumultuous journey for me. On numerous occasions, I found myself engulfed in indecision due to some…Feb 24Feb 24
Published inLevel Up CodingPreventing Memory Leaks in Angular: Clearing setInterval on ngOnDestroyWhile doing code review I came across a code where setIntervalwas causing memory leak.Feb 11Feb 11
Published inStackademicLiskov Substitution Principle-UsecaseSOLID principals are hard to grasp & I met this harsh reality while refactoring a piece of code in my project. We’ll understand it with the…Feb 10Feb 10
Published inLevel Up CodingOptimization -State Management in AngularI came across one very simple but unmaintainable use case during the work which I guess still is a conundrum for me but I’ll put my best to…Nov 4, 20241Nov 4, 20241